Drinking wine…
Yes, please is often my answer.
And if you happen to be reading this article… chances are good… that you also enjoy a glass of wine now and then.
The question remains…
Can we still claim that we are only opening a wine bottle for reasons of…
‘Our Health’ … or NOT?!?
Are Their Health Benefits…
To Drinking Wine??
Here are some of the reasons that we found to back up the ‘wine for our health’ statement… Enjoy.
Drink Wine.
In 2007, a Finnish study was published. It was conducted of 2,468 men over a 29-year period, written in the Journals of Gerontology. The Findings: Wine drinkers have a 34% lower mortality rate than beer or spirits drinkers.
2.) REDUCE CHANCE OF – Blood Clots
It was found that regularly drinking small amounts of alcohol long term appears to increase levels of HDL cholesterol, the so-called good cholesterol.
3.) BETTER PREPARED FOR – The Common Cold
In 2010 a study was conducted in the American Journal of Epidemiology and it found that among 4,000 faculty members at 5 different Universities, those who drank more than 14 weekly glasses of wine for a year were 40% less likely to come down with a common cold.
4.) REDUCES RISK OF – Cardiovascular Disease
Analysts recently reviewed 84 different alcohol studies and found that drinking a small amount of alcohol reduces the overall risk of death from cardiovascular causes by 15 to 25%.
5.) GET TO SLEEP – Much Faster
It turns out that the alcoholic content in red wine will lower body temperature and according to recent studies, it also speeds up the release of certain hormones which trigger metabolic changes that help you drift off to sleep.
Just amazing. Nice information and great article for wine lovers.