Social Media has become a popular platform for funny quotes and posts across all categories and wine is no exception.
Share these with friends, wine lovers and newbies and introduce them to the world of wine with a smile. And a glass I hope. CHEERS.
Instead of sifting through all the noise using hashtags and different platforms – why not just check out our list of…
Our TOP 20 Funny Wine Quotes
You know what rhymes with Wednesday? … Wine.
The answer may not lie at the bottom of this wine bottle… but we should at least check.
I like Wine… like Kanye likes Kanye.
According to Chemistry… wine is a solution. Cheers!
Wine a bit… you’ll feel better.
I cook with wine, sometimes, I even add it to the food.
NO matter whether your glass is half empty or half full… there is clearly room for more Wine.
I only drink Wine… when I’m alone, or with friends.
Unlike milk… it is OK to cry… over spilled Wine.
The First Thing on MY Bucket List… is to Fill That Bucket… with Wine!
I’m aging like fine Wine… Complex Yet Fruity.
The is no serving size suggestion on a bottle of Wine… So I must ASSUME, a Bottle is ONE Serving.
Sometimes, I Take Baths… because it is hard to drink Wine, in the shower.
Friends & Wine… are BEST Old.
Time to Drink Wine… & Dance on the Table.
Wine is the answer… WHAT was the question?
I drink wine because my doctor was insistent that I not keep things bottled up.
If you have to ask me if it’s too early for Wine… You’re an amateur and we can’t be friends.
Its Wine’oclock … You’re Right On Time.
To Wine or Not to Wine… That’s a Stupid Question.
??? #11 is my favourite. I also ❤ wine, I really don’t believe that there is any alternative. Very funny – am wetting myself over a bottle of montepulciano
Raising a glass to you and yours Laura… CHEERS to a great week and great wine too!
A day without wine is like… Haha I have no idea.
Completely agree – It’s like unicorns!