How many wineries are there in Sonoma County, California?
There are over 500+ and growing… VISIT SOON.
How big is Sonoma (the town) and the County itself?
The town of Sonoma has a population of 10,648 as of the 2010 United States Census, Sonoma County had a population of 483,878 at this time. The county has a total area of 1,768 square miles. In 2002, Sonoma County ranked as the 32nd county in the United States in agricultural production.
How far is Sonoma County when driving from San Francisco?
Sonoma is only about an hour’s drive from San Francisco. Approx 35 miles.
What types of grape varietals are grown most in Sonoma County, California?
Pinot Noir, Chardonnay, Cabernet Sauvignon, Zinfandel… plus soo many more. Sonoma County boasts the title of most diverse premium winegrape growing region in the U.S.. Approximately: Chardonnay (16,000 acres) Pinot Noir (13,000 acres) Cabernet Sauvignon (12,000 acres) Zinfandel (5,000 acres) Merlot (4,500 acres) Sauvignon Blanc (2,500 acres) Syrah (1,600 acres).
How many AVA’s (American Viticultural Areas or appellations) are there in Sonoma’s Wine Country?
17 total. Alexander Valley, Bennett Valley, Carneros – Sonoma, Chalk Hill, Dry Creek Valley, Fort Ross – Seaview, Fountaingrove District, Green Valley of Russian River Valley, Knights Valley, Moon Mountain, Northern Sonoma, Pine Mountain – Cloverdale Peak, Rockpile, Russian River Valley, Sonoma Coast, Sonoma Mountain, Sonoma Valley.
How many acres are planted to vineyard?
Approximately 60,000 acres are planted with that number ever changing as vineyards are planted and pulled continuously in the world of wine. It is the birthplace of the California wine industry and has been growing grapes since the first vineyards were planted in the 1800s.
What is the climate like in Sonoma County?
Each area and region of Sonoma County has unique geography and a climate to pair with it featuring many different diverse growing regions, hence the 17 AVA’s. Overall, Sonoma has an array of microclimates with Mediterranean style coastal influenced weather patterns being at the forefront. A 25- to 30-inch annual rainfall happens primarily in November through April.
When were the first grapes planted in Sonoma County, CA?
Grapes were said to be planted at Fort Ross along the Sonoma Coast as early as 1812. Padre Jose Altimira also planted grape vines at the Mission San Francisco Solano in what is now the town of Sonoma.
Is it driving friendly? Is it easy to get around Sonoma by car when traveling?
Sonoma’s wine tasting rooms are spread out and the distance/ time between stops is important to lay out prior to getting on the road. If you are staying in Healdsburg… starting your tour with a visit to a winery in the town of Sonoma… would require almost an hour’s drive.
It is best to choose one region at a time or “per day” to visit. Again… no wasting precious wine drinking time with all that unnecessary driving.
What is the busiest time of the year for tourists to Wine Country?
July is the warmest month to visit and the most popular but the season usually runs busy from May through til harvest is complete in September or early October.
How far from Napa Valley is Sonoma County?
When driving, the regions are approximately 22 minutes apart, but there are many different routes one could take. The counties connect in the south, via Highway 29/ HWY 121/ HWY 12.
FUN FACT: Sonoma County has more planted acres of vineyards than Napa Valley.